2 Things You Need To Know About Compounding

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2 Things You Need To Know About Compounding

Not all medicines are compatible to us. We could be taking antibiotics or anticancer prescription drugs, but in return, we will experience allergic reactions. This is a normal situation for most patients who are depending mainly on medicines. They have to make necessary adjustments just so they can be able to drink their medicines. And because the pharmacists have seen the great need to create customized medicines that are specifically designed to cater to the needs of a particular patient, compounding was introduced.

Compounding refers to the creation of a particular prescriptive drug by a licensed pharmacist, in order to meet the needs of the patient. One can do compounding on a manufactured prescription drug, recreate its composition, making it more patient-friendly and easy for them to take.

Moreover, compounding can be done in two ways: sterile and non-sterile. Pharmacists compound medicines by simply breaking down the composition of a manufactured drug. Sterile compounding would deal with those medicines that have to be injected in our bodies or in the veins, while non-sterile compounding is the capsules, ointments, and the like.

Due to the increasing demand of compound medicines, Nick’s Drug Store, a growing Pharmacy in Bronx, New York, offers services in compounding medicines intended for chemotherapy, transplants, pain management, diabetes, and more. To understand compounding better, continue reading the blog and learn more about it.

The necessity of compounding medicines
As what we have already discussed above, there is a need for compounding medicines because not all patients are compatible with commercially available prescription drugs. There are also some patients who need a particular dosage for a certain ingredient in the medicine they are taking, but it is not being sold in the pharmacy. The solution to this need is for pharmacists to recreate the drug that will only work for that patient.

Lastly, the taste of some medicines is not that friendly. They could taste bad, and you cannot expect a person to be able to drink it easily. But we do not have to worry about this anymore because our pharmacists can make our medicines taste better now.

Compounding pharmacies are not manufacturing companies
It is important to know that compounding pharmacies only adjust or recreate the composition of a manufactured drug, but they do not really make new prescription drugs. In a pharmaceutical compounding, only a licensed pharmacist can perform the compounding method. But in a manufacturing company, they are creating a drug at a commercial level. There is a mass production of the drug, and its composition is similar all throughout.

Generally, if you think that you can tolerate the medicine that your doctor has prescribed to you, there is no need to request for a compounded medicine. You just need to ask your doctor if you need to have anything adjusted on the composition or taste of the drug, but if he says that your body can handle such drug, then there is no need to worry.

Your medicines should be there to help make you feel better and not the other way around; hence, the reason why compounding is beneficial to many people. To know more about this, ask your pharmacist about it, or simply visit us at Nick’s Drug Store, the trusted compounding pharmacy in Bronx, New York. You can visit our website for a complete list of our services here: www.nicksdrugstore.com.


Blogs, content and other media uploaded online are for informational purposes only. Contents on this website should not be considered medical advice. Readers are strongly encouraged to visit their physician for health-related issues.

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